Q: When can I commence the program?

A: You can begin whenever you're ready to transform your parenting journey, and we'll be ready to welcome you whenever you choose to start. There is no fixed start date. 

The Emotional Mastery program is designed as a rolling program, which means it’s designed to enroll new members into the program seamlessly through the entire year. 

The design of the program provides new members with exclusive 1:1 support sessions from Yoland. New members learn from existing members and existing members also benefit from the new learnings and insights from new members during the weekly coaching sessions.

Q: Who is the program for?

A: It's for mums and dads or parents who want to learn new ways of parenting and help build resilient kids. We do not provide counselling sessions for kids. 

Q: How long is the program?

A: The program offers flexibility, allowing you to opt for either a 12-week or a 6-week duration.

Q: What days do the group sessions run?

A: The group sessions run every Monday evening from 7pm to 8:30pm (Melbourne/Sydney time)

Q: How is your program delivered?

A: Our signature program is the '12-week program’, which comprises of a mix of 3 one on one (3x 1:1 ) personal transformation sessions, along with group coaching sessions, which are aimed at optimising the personal growth journey of the parent. 

Q: What happens at a group coaching session?

A: Group coaching sessions are held online (via Zoom). Our parenting mentor Yolanda, leads the group sessions. Members of the Emotional Mastery, Parenting program join from all over the world, including UK, Singapore, Hong Kong, Middle East and US.  The group sessions provide a very effective learning and growing environment where a multitude of parenting challenges are brought forward by parents within the group and all parents jointly benefit from witnessing the coaching and resolution.

Q: What happens at a 1:1 parenting mentoring session?

A:  1:1 sessions may be held online or in person.  During the session, the parent is led through a process of becoming self-aware of past behaviours, patterns, responses, beliefs and limiting beliefs. We help you make new conscious choices of what you and your child seek and need to achieve your best outcome. Empowered parenting always aims at a win-win situation. 

Q: Where are you located?

A: We are currently based in Melbourne, Australia