Parenting with Power was created to support parents with strategies to get in touch with their inner self and as a means to claim and regain the confidence to overcome challenges in parenting.
It provides families with the steps and clarity needed to create connections and breakthroughs by actively throwing light into unconscious parenting.

Choose from one of the sessions below that suits you and book a chat today!
Everyone is unique and each one of you has a special parenting journey. Moments of happiness, times of sadness, anger, and hurt. Other times you questioned your parenting and had moments of your childhood flashbacked to you. You’ve had a couple of kids, maybe a few marriages too, or co-parent with your partner.
Whatever the circumstance or life situation, we all go through a phase of parenting.
In my years of experience, I have identified a few stages or moments in life that all parents face. The journey from Chaos to Calm and I refer to it as creating abundance in your life.
In my book, Abundant Motherhood—Empowering Mums to Empower Their Kids, I take you on a 12-chapter process of being abundant. Creating abundance in every part of your life means truly feeling your existence to make a difference in yourself and others. Creating Abundance begins with creating awareness and the rest follows.
Working Days of Our Company
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I cannot thank Yolanda enough for the wonderful impact and joy she has brought to my life.
I have gained so much clarity, confidence, and a whole new perspective on life and parenting.
The journey has been life-changing and inspirational.

Parenting can seem so lonely at times, and riddled with doubts and fears.
Yolanda's program not only gave a connection with other lovely mommas who were struggling with similar doubts and fears, but it gave me perspective on how my actions and behaviours were creating the negative emotions and experiences in my children that bI was desperate to change.

I think we can all agree that parenting can be a challenging journey no matter how wonderful your children are.
With Yolanda's help, I have been able to become more self aware and work through some triggers I had that were impacting the way I reacted to some things my children do. I feel closer than ever to my children.

5 Steps to Raising
Emotionally Resilient Kids
Discover the secrets in our magic PDF, and empower your children with the tools to navigate life's challenges with strength and confidence. Unlock their potential today!